
Lirik Lagu Lauren Spencer Smith – Narcissist


Lirik Lagu Lauren Spencer Smith – Narcissist

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Lirik Lagu Lauren Spencer Smith – Narcissist
Source Photo : Tangkapan Layar Youtube Lauren Spencer Smith - Narcissist

DailyposnesiaLirik Lagu | Berikut kami sajikan lirik lagu Narcissist yang dibawakan oleh Lauren Spencer Smith :

Lirik :

They’re always charismatic
And they’ll turn up the charm

Their words do something magic
Saying no is really hard
They’re over generous you’ll never pay the bills
They’ll fall in love seconds die for you or probably kill

And after 6 months you’ll feel really stupid
I promise that it’s not your fault you fell for it

One little fight breaks into war
Feels like you’re dying on a bathroom floor

You’ll make an excuse they’ll say that it’s you
And the mirrors telling you it’s true

Baca Juga :  Lirik Lagu dan Kunci Gitar Utopia - Serpihan Hati

Won’t leave, can’t stay, how much are you gonna take
Cuz you’ll always get the blame

It feels like shit but that’s just how it is
When you love a narcissist
So if you’re feeling crazy I wouldn’t be surprised
The only thing they’re good at is knowing how to gaslight
Then make you feel like you’re the most beautiful in the world
While their sleeping with another girl

And after 6 months you’ll feel really stupid
I promise that it’s not your fault you fell for it

One little fight breaks into war
Feels like you’re dying on a bathroom floor

You’ll make an excuse they’ll say that it’s you
And the mirrors telling you it’s true

Baca Juga :  Lirik lagu Batak Ilu Ni Dakdanak

Wont leave, can’t stay, how much are you gonna take
Cuz you’ll always get the blame

It feels like shit but that’s just how it is
Cuz I felt like shit so I know how it is
When you love a narcissist

Kami hanya membantu menyediakan dan menyajikan lirik Lagu untuk mempermudah kamu menyanyikan lagu – lagu favorit yang ingin kamu nyanyikan dan kami tidak menyediakan link download untuk lagu ini.

Seluruh hak cipta yang terdapat pada lirik lagu, merupakan milik Pencipta, Artis, Penyanyi, maupun Label Music.

Dukung selalu Penyanyi Idolamu agar dapat selalu berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal.

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Kamu dapat mendukung Penyanyi Idolamu dengan cara mendengarkan lagu – lagu mereka melalui layanan – layanan Streaming Online seperti Youtube, Spotify, Joox dan lainnya.