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Photo : Dailyposnesia - Satukan Keragaman Cerminkan Harapan

DailyposnesiaLirik Lagu | Berikut kami sajikan artikel yang berjudul CHRISTINA AGUILERA -Prima Donna :

Tonight it’s on play, my song, it’s a celebration
I worked a long week and now there is no hesitation
I need a drink or two make that a few I ain’t waiting
Yes, yes, I’m grown and you know I got no time for wasting

Gonna forget my trouble ’cause it’s a special night
Not gonna stress for nothing, I’m feeling quite alright
If it’s your birthday, baby, I’m gonna grant your wish
This is a private party, V-I-P in this bitch

I’m a prima donna, I can rule the world
Don’t care who’s around me, I can rule the world
So hands up, catch this feeling, there’s no stop in this
Right now in this moment I can’t rule the world

Baca Juga :  Kuncung Majasem - Taman Gligi Ninggal Janji

So ladies, pop, pop, pop, blow it up
Make it pop, pop, pop, turn it up
Speakers pop, pop, pop ’til I’m drunk
Bottles pop, pop, pop

(Take it back to the verse right now)

A little fun never killed, never hurt nobody
So grab a glass and raise it up, baby, work your body
Ain’t nothing wrong, just go on if you’re feeling naughty
Yes, yes, I’m grown and I don’t need no judgment on me

Gonna forget my trouble ’cause it’s a special night
Not gonna stress for nothing, I’m feeling quite alright
If it’s your birthday, baby, I’m gonna grant your wish
This is a private party, V-I-P in this bitch

I’m a prima donna, I can rule the world
Don’t care who’s around me, I can rule the world
So hands up, catch this feeling, there’s no stop in this
Right now in this moment I can’t rule the world

Baca Juga :  Lirik Lagu dan Kunci Gitar Papinka - Masih Mencintainya

So ladies, pop, pop, pop, blow it up
Make it pop, pop, pop, turn it up
Speakers pop, pop, pop ’til I’m drunk
Bottles pop, pop, pop

(Break it down!)

I’m a prima donna, I’ma
A prima donna I
I’m a prima donna, I’ma
A prima donna I
I’m a prima donna, I’ma
A prima donna I
I’m a prima donna, I’ma
A prima donna I
I’m a prima donna, I’ma
A prima donna I
I’m a prima donna

I’m a prima donna, I can rule the world
Don’t care who’s around me, I can rule the world
So hands up, catch this feeling, there’s no stop in this
Right now in this moment I can’t rule the world

So ladies, pop, pop, pop, blow it up
Make it pop, pop, pop, turn it up
Speakers pop, pop, pop ’til I’m drunk
Bottles pop, pop, pop

Dukung selalu Penyanyi Idolamu agar dapat selalu berkarya dengan cara tidak mendownload ataupun mengunduh lagu yang mereka miliki secara ilegal.

Kamu dapat mendukung Penyanyi Idolamu dengan cara mendengarkan lagu – lagu mereka melalui layanan – layanan Streaming Online seperti Youtube, Spotify, Joox dan lainnya.

Kami hanya membantu menyediakan dan menyajikan CHRISTINA AGUILERA -Prima Donna untuk mempermudah kamu menyanyikan lagu – lagu favorit yang ingin kamu nyanyikan dan situs kami tidak menyediakan link download untuk lagu ini.

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Seluruh hak cipta yang terdapat pada lirik lagu, merupakan milik Pencipta, Artis, Penyanyi, maupun Label Music.