
Lirik Lagu Love Will Prevail : Maher Zain


Lirik Lagu Love Will Prevail : Maher Zain

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Lirik Lagu Love Will Prevail : Maher Zain
Photo : Dailyposnesia - Satukan Keragaman Cerminkan Harapan

Dailyposnesia – Hiburan | Berikut kami sajikan Lirik Lagu Love Will Prevail : Maher Zain :

Liriklaguviral – Berikut Lirik Lagu Love Will Prevail yang sangat populer hingga kini dibawakan Maher Zain.

Sumber dan Informasi Lirik Lagu: Live It Up

Judul Lagu : Love Will Prevail
Artist : Maher Zain
Album : Lagu Lainnya
Tahun Rilis : –
Selengkapnya : Lirik Lagu Maher Zain Full Album

Lirik Lagu Love Will Prevail

There's no fear in my heart
Got nothing left to lose
I saw my loved ones die
Oh, I swear that I won't give in
By God you'll never win
I'll fight for what's right
And nothing can stand in my way
Even if I get knocked down
I will stand my ground
And I'll never

Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail

Life's become so cheap
So many orphans weep
They forgot how to smile
Oh, I cannot understand
Just how somebody can
Murder an innocent child
I swear their lives won't be lost in vain
Even if I get knocked down
I will stand my ground
And I'll never

Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail

God made me free
You can't take that away from me
Freedom is my destiny
I have a dream
And my dream is to see
To see all my people smile
See all of them free and proud
I feel the wind of peace
'Cause with hardship comes ease
That's why I won't lose faith
And I know that God is Great

So, I'll never
Hide or run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail
I won't run away
Love will prevail
By God it will
Love will prevail
I refuse to fail
Love will prevail

Video Lirik Lagu: Love Will Prevail

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Seluruh hak cipta yang terdapat pada lirik lagu, merupakan milik Pencipta, Artis, Penyanyi, maupun Label Music.